Thursday, April 11, 2013

         So this reporter is talking to Quentin Tarantino, the director of a bunch of famous movies including Django, Pulp Fiction and The Departed. This reporter is just wondering why he shows so much violence in his films and i was thinking maybe its just because he's really into that kind of shit and he's a little bit psycho and thats just how he expresses himself which is a little weird because what would happen if he never made films? he would still be into that kinda stuff so that would be a little scary because what if he started like actually killing people?? idk i fucking love his films though they have great plots and the violence is just way over dramatic which makes it funny sorta idk hes awesome

Friday, February 22, 2013

this is a super epic picture of Boba Fett. a bad ass character from Star Wars. i really like how dramatic this photo looks. most likely its a frame grab from a scene in the movie. the text across it is so dramatic too.. 5+4R \/\/4r5 !5 4\/\/50/\/\3 |)(_)|)3

Thursday, December 13, 2012

                             I lovvvvveeee the m00n

Tuesday, December 11, 2012